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Acupotomy medicine overseas development 针刀医学海外发展情况 

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全球成立针刀学术组织的国家与地区大约30多个,有 墨西哥 澳大利亚 新西兰 英国 马来西亚 阿联酋 俄罗斯 乌兹别克斯坦 哈萨克斯坦 日本 韩国 香港等。 但针刀医师可以说是已经遍布全球每一个角落,由于各个国家的法律不尽相同,很多针刀医生都在用针刀治疗疾病,而按照针灸来收费,在美国这个现象比较典型,美国针灸已经立法,而针刀没有立法,所以很多针刀医师都是以特殊针灸来用针刀,收费也是比拟针灸收取。

值得一提的是墨西哥 澳大利亚,阿联酋与马来西亚,在墨西哥针刀已经正式立法,2004年成立针刀医学会,针刀从业人员近千人,针刀治疗进入墨西哥的国家报销范围,而且可以考取针刀医师证件。还有澳大利亚2012专门成立的针刀医师公会,每年针刀公会的年会都是300人以上。阿联酋 皇家保健医 蒋秀香用针刀为王室康复保健获得了王室的一致认可,现在阿联酋大学定期举办针刀课堂,培养针刀医生。马来西亚的卫生部 前部长 蔡瑞明 多次在马来西亚中医公会的年会上提到中医针刀要在大马扎根,造福当地人民,每年世界中联针刀专委会都会派遣专家过去义诊与讲课。

以上调查不尽详细 经供参考!




Overview of Acupotomy (Acupotome, Acupotomy, Acupotomology) overseas development


There are more than 30 countries and regions in the world that has Acupotomy associations, such as Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, etc.

But the zhendao can say that there are already every corner of the world, because the laws of various countries are not the same, many needles are used to treat diseases, and according to acupuncture.In the United States this phenomenon is more typical, the American acupuncture has been legislation, and there is no legislation, so many of the doctors are special acupuncture to use the needle, the charge is also comparable to acupuncture.


It is worth mentioning that mexico Australia, the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia, in mexico has been formally legislation, in 2004 the establishment of a needle-in-medicine society, zhendao staff of nearly a thousand people.Zhendao treatment to enter mexico's state reimbursement range, and can be admitted to the zhendao medical certificate.There is also an Australian 2012 set-up.


In addition, the annual meeting of the zhendao, which is specially established in Australia, is more than 300 per year.The royal health care doctor, Jiang Xiuxiang, has received a royal agreement on the royal health care for the royal rehabilitation, and now the university of the United Arab Emirates has regularly held a needle-in-line classroom, and a trained acupotomy doctor.


The royal health care doctor, Jiang Xiuxiang, has received a royal agreement on the royal health care for the royal rehabilitation, and now the university of the United Arab Emirates has regularly held a needle-in-line classroom, and a trained acupotomy doctor.The former minister of health in Malaysia, Cai Ruiming, mentioned many times at the annual meeting of the Chinese traditional Chinese medicine association for Chinese medicine to take root and benefit the local people.Every year in the world, the Lian will send experts to the past free clinic and lectures.The above investigation is not detailed for reference!

The world's Lian Dao Secretariat.

迈向世界的中国针刀医学理论及其学术价值 (Acupotomy, acuputome, Acupotomy, Acupotomology)

2013-04-15 360doc个人图书馆


摘要:目的:阐述中国独创的具有原创性、实用性、科学性的针刀医学的理论体系及其学术价值。方法:通过概括论述:1、针刀医学的产生和发展 2、针刀医学理论的基本内容 3、中国针刀医学发展前景与国际交流,进一步阐述针刀医学四大基础理论和六大组成部分的创新学术价值。结论:针刀医学作为具有中国自主知识产权的新兴学科,理论新颖、技术领先、疗效显著、方法简便、无副作用和后遗症,值得在临床上推广应用。



1 针刀医学的产生和发展

1.1 针刀医学的产生



其创立的依据可以归结为以下两条:第一,不管是东方医学还是西方医学它们的研究、服务对象都是人体,都是研究人体的生理、病理,并针对不同的疾病提出不同的治疗方法共同追求的目标就是将疾病治好,恢复人体本来的健康状态。东方医学和西方医学之所以形成了完全不同的两大医疗体系,完全是由于它们产生于两种完全不同的历史背景和文化背景中,受两种完全不同的哲学思维模式的影响。如果没有这些原因,就不会产生这样两种不同的医学理论体系,由此推论,在世界一体化的今天,它们的融合不仅是应该的、可能的,而且是必然的。第二,不管是东方医学还是西方医学,对人类的繁衍和健康都起过重大的作用,对疾病的治疗都有相当好的疗效。著名的哲学家黑格尔说: “存在的都是合理的”,东方医学 (主要是中医学)和西方医学之所以能够流传发展到今天,也充分说 明了它们存在的价值,说明了人类对它们的需要。人为地否定或夸大东方医学 (主要是中医学) 或西方医学都是不合理的,相反地,吸收它们的精华部分并加以整合,再运用现代科学的新成果加以提高,使之融合为统一的、新的医疗体系是完全可能的,也是完全应该的。针刀医学就是在此基础上产生和发展起来的,是将东方医学的基本理论和西方医学的基本理论融为一体,经过再创造而产生的一种新的医学理论体系。2003年9月,中国国家中医药管理局组织30多位领导和医学专家针对针刀医学理论研究和临床应用的实践情况进行了听证鉴定,与会领导和专家经过严格的评审和鉴定,一致认为可将“针刀疗法”正式确定为“针刀医学 ”,作为中国国家新兴学科在国内外推广应用,这是针刀医学发展史上的里程碑。


1.2 针刀医学的发展现状





2 针刀医学理论的基本内容

2.1 什么是针刀

针刀是一种闭合性手术的微型手术针刀,其形如针灸的针,与针灸针不同的是前端带刃,它将针刺疗法的“针”和手术疗法的“刀” 融为一体,整合两种器械的治疗优势,产生了1+1>2 的奇特疗效,人们之所以称它是 “小针刀”,是因为针刀的前刃直径仅为0.8mm,非常小,这正是该技术的一个创新亮点。


2.2 针刀医学的基本理论






针刀医学兼取中医之针和西医之刀的长处,运用现代自然科学的最新成果使广大医务工作者对疾病的认识、病因病理的研究以及诊断治疗方法产生了质的飞跃,使治疗操作技术精确入微,从而实现了治疗方法和疗效的五大转变,具体体现在: 一是将大量疾病从不治变为可治;二是将难治变为速愈;三是将开放性手术变为闭合性手术;四是将复杂治疗变为简便治疗;五是将损伤型、痛苦型治疗 变为近于无损伤、无痛苦的治疗。据不完全统计,目前针刀医学能治120多种疾病,如股骨头无菌性坏死、严重颈椎病、严重腰椎间盘突出症、腰椎管狭窄症、各种关节疾患、严重骨质增生及骨刺导致的各种疾患、各种肌肉和韧带损伤、严重的风湿和类风湿病、严重股体畸形、部分外科手术和骨科手术的后遗症等。此外,针刀医学不仅可用于医学美容方面,还可以治疗部分严重的心脏病、气管炎、哮喘病等。可以说,采用针刀医学疗法能达到很好的疗效,针刀医学也被誉为“中华神刀”。



3 中国针刀医学发展前景及国际交流
















2015-09-26 360doc个人图书馆















Acupotomy is a relatively new type of non-invasive acupuncture/ micro surgery using a small needle-scalpel invented by Professor Zhu Hanzhang around 30 years ago in China. It is a slightly thicker and more blunt instrument that gets under the skin and is able to break apart adhesions and muscle knots more effectively than a regular acupuncture needle would.

This technique is used to treat chronic injuries, as well soft tissue disorders and the abnormal bony growths that cause acute pain. Combining techniques from acupuncture and surgery, acupotomy demands an extraordinarily perceptive understanding of human anatomy from its practitioners.

I recently had the honor of watching and learning from Dr. Steven Woo who is at the top of the field of acupotomy. Dr. Woo is a former cardio surgeon who switched to acupotomy and is one of the only four top practitioners in the world approved to pass on this knowledge.

The old school acupotomy practitioners used to go in blindly and break up the knots and adhesions deep into muscle areas but patients would scream and cry for dear life due to the poor technique. Professor Woo has refined this technique over the years and has managed to make it effective with barely any pain felt during treatment. (2017, Lima, Perú)

The Acupotomology, originated by Professor Zhu Hanzhang, the head of the Greatwall hospital of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a new field of integrating Chinese with modern medicine. It is on the base of Prof. Zhu's creation of the small acupotomy therapy and comes to form after more than 20 years' hard exploring as well as attentive studying.

Acupotomology uses the up-to-date accomplishments of modern natural science in addition to takes the advantages of both Chinese and modern medicine. So that, the cognition to diseases, the way of paths physiology have been realized essentially; some previous mistaken views of pathological changes located clearly can make operating skill of therapy to be more elaborate. The tremendous changes of the therapy and curative effect turn some untreatable diseases by using the routine methods of both Chinese and modern medicine into the treatable, the difficult, invasive and painful to close operating, easy, non-invasive and painless.

With their brand-new theory and outstanding curative effects, the Acupotomology and its therapy gain the welcome of the broad masses of patients and are held in a very high esteem by many medical workers. The national health departments concerned pay great attention to them which have absorbed more and more interests coming from the domestic and abroad medical academia. At present, organizations of Acupotomological therapy have been founded in 43 countries and medical associations of Acupotomology have been built up in 15 countries. There have been more than 2700 special hospitals, therapeutic centers and special departments of Acupotomology in the whole country. Over 15000 medical workers are engaging in concerned matters; among them more than 2000 have the full-senior professional titles and over 8000 have vice-senior or middle-class titles. There also have more than 400 abroad medical workers of Acupotomology.

In 1976 Professor Zhu Hanzhang created the small acupotomy and released the therapeutic method of small acupotomy for the first time; this kind or therapy passed the authentication of national science and technology in 1984; Prof. Zhu won the Hua tuo golden statue award of the national orthopedic department in 1986 and won the U golden award on the 37th Brussels international technological creation fair in 1988, and also Prof. Zhu himself gained the greatest honor medal – Officer Medal honored by the King of Belgium. By Prof. Zhu's chairing, the 1st national academic exchanges congress was held in 1989, four congresses had already been processed successfully till 1996. During the four sessions of congress, many medical workers made great improvements in the medical level of Acupotomology. It is sure that this international academic exchanges congress will come up to greater academic accomplishments by enjoying the support of concerned leads of the central government and the ministry.


Malaysia Acupotomy association (since 2013)


Acupotomy association is a professional association for physicians who are practicing acupotomy. It is established to safeguard the interest of professional physicians who are practicing the acupotomy as part of their therapies and public who are seeking for acupotomy treatments.


Acupotomology, a fusion of the basic theories of traditional Chinese and modern western medicine, has formed a complete system of medical science. This is a revolution in the medical field. Moreover, it symbolizes a new era in the medical science. Acupotomology and acupotomy were awarded a gold medal at 37th Brussels Eureka World Fair for Invention (research and industrial innovation ).The inventor and founder, Professor Zhu Hanzhang won the Officer Medal, also he was awarded a domestic reward of a HuaTuo Gold Statue.


Based on the completely new theory and outstanding curative effect, acupotomology and acupotomy have extensively been accepted by numerous patients .

Through two decades of arduous work and research, acupotomology was founded by the chief doctor, prof. Zhu Hanzhang , the president of the Great Wall Hostipal organized by the Acadamy of Chinese Traditional Medicine.


It combines traditional Chinese medicine with modern western medicine. Under the guidance of dialectical materialism and philosophical thinking, acupotomology breaks through the opposite patterns of the abstract thinking formula of Chinese medicine and the figurative formula of moderm western medicine. Using creative and distinctive pattern of thinking, acupotomology fuses together with the two basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine and modern western. It has gradually established a new and quite complete theory system of medical science. And the fundamental conceptions, basic contents and treatment principles have been established completely.

The basic theory can be divided into four parts:


the theory concerning the etiology and pathology of chronic to soft tissues;

the theory concerning the etiology and pathology of abnormal bony growths;

the theory concerning the essence of channels and collaterals of traditional Chinese medicine;

the theory concerning closed surgery;

These theories are related to the basic categories of traditional Chinese and modern western medicine, and have been proven by the clinical practice and millions of cured patients during last two decades.


Acupotomolopy carries out both the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and modern western medicine simultaneously. It utilizes the most up-to-date achievements in modern natural scientific research. Acupotomology makes an essential leap to the recognition of diseases, to the research methods of etiology and pathology, as well as to the diagnosis and the therapeutic methods. As a great value to etiology and pathology, acupotomology has rectified some mistakes in the past views, rediscovered and redefined some obscure views. Thus surgeons can substantially understand human physiology and pathology, precisely determine the locations of the pathological changes, and carefully and exactly manipulate the therapy technique. Consequently five great changes have been brought out in therapeutic methods and cure effects.


change a great number of untreatable diseases into rapidly treatable diseases;

change a great number of incurable diseases into curable diseases;

change open surgery into closed surgery without breakage of the skin or bleeding;

change complicated treatments into simple treatments;

change traumatic, painful treatments into almost nontraumatic painless treatments.

As the practical basis and concrete manipulation technique of acupomology, acupotomy is an organic combination of the traditional Chinese acupuncture and modern western surgery. Moreover, it is a development and a successful example of a fusion with traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Small needle-scalpel (or acupotomy) is a miniature surgical instrument. It combines a ¡°needle¡± for acupuncture with a ¡°scalpel¡± for surgery (the shape looks like a needle for acupuncture, 0.8mm in diameter, with a sharp bladed tip). The needle-scalpel has obtained and combined the therapeutic advantages of both two instruments. It has solved many difficult problems that could not be settled by past therapeutic techniques. Thus, many kinds of intractable diseases that could not be treated by routine treatments can be cured now. Such as:


aseptic necrosis femoris;

severe cervical spondylopathy (eg, hyperosteogeny of cervical vertebra);

severe lumbar spondylopathy (eg, sciatica due to prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc, paralysis of lower limbs due to dislocation of lumbar vertebra, etc.);

all kinds of limb joints diseases (eg, scapulohumeral periarthritis , ankylosis, etc.);

severe hyperosteogeny and all kinds of ailments result from spurs;

severe rheumatoid arthritis;

severe limb deformity (eg, hump back, child ¡°o¡±-shaped leg);

It can be assured that every cured case using acupotomy is a miracle. The small needle-scalpel has aroused highly eulogy throughout China. It is called ¡°Chinese magical scalpel .¡±

To treat difficult and complicate cases, acupotomy has remarkable advantages as following:


wide-range treatment;

Not only has it accurate curative effects on all kinds of diseases of vertebral column joints and other limbs joints, on lesions in soft tissues, on all kinds of abnormal bony growths and deformities, but also it has quite satisfied effects on many difficult diseases of internal medicine, such as sequelae of cerebral thrombosis, cholelithiasis,

cholecystitis, functional heart diseases, intractable asthma, incurable chronic hepatitis after long time medical therapy, diabetes mellitus, prostatic hypertrophy, mastadenitis, pancreatitis, chronic nephritis, chronic gastric ulcer, chronic colitis, etc.;


simple and easy treatment;

All manipulations need only a small needle-scapel, sterilized gloves, gauze masks, sterilized drape with an opening. After routine sterilization of skin, the treatment many begin. All the process last only ten more minutes, or even a few minutes.


rapidly therapeutic effects but radical;

Generally, once treatment becomes effective, three times treatments are enough to cure a case and some cases can even be cued only once for all.


no incision, no bleeding and less pain;

no sequelae, complication and side effect;

less expenditure on therapy;

Zhu Hanzhang himself and his students all over the country have tested thousands of treated cases and concluded that the curative effect rate is 88.3%, and total effective rate is beyond 98.8%.

Acupotomology and acupotomy are welcomed by large numbers of patients and appreciated by doctors for its new theory and transcendent curative effect. It has been highly regarded by national sanitary section and has gained broad attention in the both domestic and foreign medical fields. This achievement won a Gold Medal at the 37th Brussels Eureka Word Fair for Invention (research and industrial innovation )in 1988. The founder, prof. Zhu Hanzhang was awarded an Officer Medal and several national medals in domestic medical field, such as Huatuo Gold Statue reward. He was called ¡°the first highly-skilled doctor in China .¡±Acupotomy has started to spread since 1987. 165 national-wide training classes and more than 200 local classes have been hold until now. More than twenty thousand doctors have studied systemically and mastered primarily this theory and therapy, including 2500 doctors superior to associate professor, co-chief doctor. Many doctors were praised by patients for its supernatural effects which were attained by acupotomy. Their leechcrafts have been reported by newspaper, broadcast and TV, so the have eventually become famous doctors in local places. Some of them were elected as work models, delegates attended in local government, and also recovered the vitality in the elementary hospitals facing difficulties. In 1992, authorized by the Institution of Chinese Science and Technology and the Academy of Chinese Traditional Medicine, the Branch Association of Acutomolomy of Chinese Traditional Medical Academy was founded, Zhu Hanzhang was elected as the council director. With wide spread in the air, through information and by scholarly communications, the influence on Acupotomology and acupotomy has been more and more immense, and popularization has been widely raised throughout China. Special hospitals and therapy centers on acupotomy have been founded in many provinces, cities and even counties. 43 countries in the world have established acupotomy constitutions, The governmental hygiene departments and research organizations of many countries have warmly invited professor Zhu Hanzhang to give lectures on acupotomology and acupotomy.

In March 1994, the Great Wall Hospital of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Acadamy was founded, authorized by the National Aadministration Bereau of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This hospital is a large hospital, based on traditional Chinese medicine, characterized by acupotomology and fusing Western medicine with traditional medicine, Meanwhile, the Academy of Acupotomogy and the Acupotomy Training Center were also founded, which directly belong to the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They have been founded to be the bases of treatment, teaching and research of acupotomology , and are the highest schools of acupotomology in our country. The Great Wall Hospital accumulated the most outstanding talents with ample knowledge of acupotomology from all over the country. They possess not only good theory of acupotomology and rich clinical experience, but also high medical morality.

Welcome the patients with difficult diseases to come to our hospital. We will cure your diseases, relieve your pain and recover your health through our zest, distinguished cure effect and excellent service.

To conveniently recognize the theory and clinical application clearly, we list a brief table as following:


Brief summary of acupotomology system


Content 1


Theory concerning closed surgery


New theory and concept


micromic anatomy;


3.? dynamic anatomy;

4. ?body surface location;

5.? four-step manipulation;

6.? 8 methods of closed surgery;

7.? 11 kinds of enter way of closed surgery;

8. scapels used in closed surgery ----miniature surgery instrument(small needle-scapel)


Academic values


Realize the transformation from open surgery to closed surgery, make closed surgery popularizable, realize the expectation of human that need closed surgery and solve all kinds of problems meet in closed surgery.




Make surgery with no trauma and avoid the complication and sequelae after surgery; less pain, less expenditure , shorter period of therapy and better recovery of function; promote surgery into a new era




All kinds of surgery and some internal medical diseases


Clinical indications


Under the guidance of this new theory, we have achieved satisfactory effects after treated with the closed surgery by using small needle-scalpel. It includes tens of kinds of disease.1,014,000 cases have been treated. The curative rate and notable effective rate reach 89.1% and the effective rate exceeds 98%(counted in 1991)


Content 2


Theory concerning the essence of channels and collaterals science


New theory and concept


A united system consists of synthetic effects of neural reflex system, electrophysical conduction system and body fluid conduction system-body information reactive system.


Academic values


Objectively elucidate the essential meaning existing in channels and collaterals science, scientifically explain the principle of acupuncture therapy and small needle-scapel therapy to difficult diseases; therefore modernize the traditional channels and collaterals theory. Meanwhile overcome the difficult situation met in the past research on the channels and collaterals theory.




Improve the effects of acupuncture and lead the acupuncture therapy into a new stage as for theory and method, prevent most patients from chemical drugs, side effects, shorten the period of therapy, and find a new way to cure many difficult diseases.




Difficult internal medical diseases and dermatology, pediatrics, gynecology, etc.


Clinical Application


Under the guidance of this theory, at least more than 80 kinds of internal diseases or 186,000 cases obtained fairly satisfied effects. The curative rate and notable effective rate are up to 92.4%, and effective rate exceeds 98.3%. (counted in 1991)


Content 3


Theory concerning the etiology and pathology of chronic soft tissue lesions.


New theory and concept


Imbalance of dynamic equilibrium, the root cause of chronic soft-tissue lesions


Academic values


Chronic soft-tissue lesions are regarded as a big clinical problem difficult to solve for ages. It is mainly because the etiology and pathology are unclear. There were many theories in the past, but none is the basic reason for these kinds of disease, only indicated a kind of pathological phenomenon during the pathological process. If we discover the real etiology and pathology of this kind of disease, we can thoroughly resolve the treatment problem. The theory concerning imbalance of dynamic equilibrium, in a word, solves this difficult problem of research.




According to the theory of imbalance of dynamic equilibrium, the chronic soft-tissue lesion, regarded as a big clinical problem difficult to resolve for ages, can be easy to cure now, with little pain, little cost, rapid effect, and with well functional recovery. The treatment has simple, easy, low-price and testable characteristics.




All kinds of chronic soft-tissue lesions.


Clinical Application


Under the guidance of this theory, during nearly two decades, doctors around China have treated more than a million cases with remarkable effects. The curative rate and notable effective rate are up to 92%, and effective rate is beyond 98%(counted in 1991)


Content 4


Theory concerning the etiology of hyperosteogeny


New theory concept


Imbalance of dynamic equilibrium is the root cause of abnormal bony growths. Although the inner body stresses are complicate, three main states may be summarized as: traction, pressure and inflation. Where there occurs an imbalance of these three stress factors, the compensatory mechanism of the inner body stresses will give the action, so calcification, ossification, then hyperosteogeny may occur, which indicates the site of the higher inner stress.


Academic values


The hyperosteogenic diseases have a quite high incidence. The etiology is still to be unknown. Generally it was thought that the etiology was due to retrograde degeneration (for aging). But this theory could not explain the objective clinical phenomenon (because many people in the middle age or even young people were suffered from the disease ); more over, it made the clinical doctors cannot find a thorough way to cure it. They felt quite helpless to a large part of the patients suffering from long time pain. With the foundation of the new etiological theory of overgrowth and protuberance of bony tissure, it has now solved the treatment problem and made rapid recovery of the most part of the patients. It has also solved the difficult theoretical problem in the medical field simultaneously.




The foundation of the new etiological theory of overgrowth and protuberance of bony tissue has enlighted the etiology of a great deal of intricate hyperosteogeny diseases, thus an effective therapeutic method has been found. It has soon removed the pain of many patients, and recovered their health.




All kinds of abnormal bony growths, spurs, ossification, sclerosis diseases.


Clinical Applications


Using this theory, acupotomy surgeons around China has treated 2,260,000 cases of this kind of diseases nearly two decades. The effects are perfect. Curative rate and notable rate are up to 80%, effective rate is up to 98% ( counted in 1991)


Six main parts


physiopathology of acupotomology ,

manipulation of acupotomology ,

imageology of acupotomology,

diagnostics of acupotomology,

therapeutics of acupotomology,

Nursing Science of acupotomology,

These have been tested by millons of clinical cases.


(Extraction from

© 2019 by The Acupotomy Medical Association of Canada.

地址: 203-5679 Imperial St., Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5J 1G1

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