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(Vancouver 2018)

July 22, 2018

News //

AMAC Inaugural Meeting Photos

 Sunday, July 22, 2018

列治文时代广场Aberdeen Square Suite 5100, 4000 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC,Canada

Congratulatory Telegram

July 20, 2018

IThe Canadian Acupotomy Medical Association is the first and first National Acupotomy Medical Association...


针刀: How Acupotomy Works

Acupotomy is a relatively new type of non-invasive acupuncture/ micro surgery using a small needle-scalpel invented by Professor Zhu Hanzhang around 30 years ago in China. It is a slightly thicker and more blunt instrument that gets under the skin and is able to break apart adhesions and muscle knots more effectively than a regular acupuncture needle would...


Ji Ting Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupotomology, a fusion of the basic theories of traditional Chinese and modern western medicine, has formed a complete system of medical science. This is a revolution in the medical field. Moreover, it symbolizes a new era in the medical science. Based on the completely new theory and outstanding curative effect, acupotomology and acupotomy have extensively been accepted by numerous patients...

We are very gratified by the fact that acupuncture can solve severe pelvic girdle pain. Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that originated more than 3000 years ago. It involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into acupoints, which are invariably regarded as an obscure concept...


We searched six computerised databases. Randomized controlled trials incorporating acupotomy therapy alone or combined with other conventional treatments for chronic nonspecific neck pain were included. Two reviewers screened each literature and extracted data independently according to Cochrane Reviews' Handbook (5.1). The Cochrane Collaboration's RevMan 5.3 software was applied for meta-analysis...


© 2019 by The Acupotomy Medical Association of Canada.

地址: 203-5679 Imperial St., Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5J 1G1

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