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Speakers in The first International Conference of Traditional Medicine & Wellness 2017 

Introduction to the First International Experts Conference on Traditional Medicine & Wellness (I) Prof. Kai Cheng

On October 16, 2010, Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion was included in the “List of Intangible Cultural Heritage Shared by Humankind” by UNESCO, and one of its representative inheritors was the Central Literature and History Museum librarian, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the Chinese Medical Master Cheng Yiongong. . Professor Cheng Xiaonong is not only one of the pioneers of clinical, scientific research and education in acupuncture and moxibustion, but also the chief scientist of the "Meridian Nature Research". The "Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Study" edited by him is the first international acupuncture tutorial in 27 languages, followed by hundreds of thousands of learners. It is still an essential book for acupuncturists in many countries, including the United States and Canada. It is affectionately called "CAM" by student!

Cheng’s acupuncture and moxibustion, which was made up of Cheng Yunong’s academician, originated from Huai’an, Jiangsu Province, where many famous doctors were born. It was formed in the ancient capital of Nanjing and later passed down to Beijing, Shanghai and other places. So far it has been more than 100 years old. It has continued for five generations and has passed down nearly 100 disciples. There are tens of thousands of short-term trainers spread all over the world.

In addition to taking the essence of the Sanyang Medical School and the Chengjiang School of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Cheng's acupuncture and moxibustion integrates the five links of “reasoning syndromes, accoding to legislation, definite prescriptions according to law, definitive distribution of points, and using techniques” to emphasize the meridians. Syndrome differentiation is based on medicinal properties and acupoints. It has formed three characteristics of "Heavenly Man" as the technical characteristics. It targets dozens of dominant diseases such as pain, insomnia, diabetes, menstruation, rhinitis, apoplexy, children's amblyopia and pediatric cerebral palsy. The characteristic diagnosis and treatment system retains and promotes the essence of traditional acupuncture and has become an important branch of modern acupuncture. The academic ideas and clinical techniques of Cheng’s acupuncture represented by Cheng Yunong deeply influenced several generations of Chinese acupuncturists and promoted it. The development of modern Chinese acupuncture represented by Beijing as the core has also made important contributions to the development of acupuncture and moxibustion in the internationalization of Chinese medicine.

Dr. Cheng Kai, professor of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is not only the representative inheritor of Cheng's acupuncture, but also the grandson of Cheng Yinong, an academician of Chinese medicine. The conference invited Professor Cheng Kai to introduce us to Cheng’s Sancai acupuncture and acupoint-level anatomy. After the meeting, we also arranged for him to be a practitioner of Chinese medicine practitioners who are interested in strengthening learning. - Chengmen's practical exercises." The details are as follows:


Sancai acupuncture (3 hours): The three-pin (true) meaning of the hand-feeling

1, Qi Hai Sancai acupuncture demonstration - acupuncture conduction can be up and down around, arbitrary

2, heaven and earth and shallow depth - from the road to Jane's Sancaizhen (true)

3, tremor flying and lifting plug-and-rotation - Sancai acupuncture practice and essential combination

4, Zusanli Sancai acupuncture demonstration - different levels of treatment of different diseases, Sancai acupuncture to highlight the cryptic nature

5, Hegu various acupuncture points with a variety of points - where is the most important point


Practicing exercises under cavernous guidance (9 hours)

1. Procedure prescription and acupuncture for metabolic disorder diseases (applicable to the treatment of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, gout and other diseases)

(1) Abdominal metastasis acupuncture points

(2) Lower limbs promote metabolism

(3) Lower limb pro-metabolism area

2. Chengmen prescription and acupuncture for digestive system diseases (Apply to the treatment of functional abdominal pain and acid reflux syndrome)

(1) The law of abdominal positioning information in acupoints of the stomach leg

(2) liver and stomach are not looking for the liver or find the gallbladder

(3) Analysis of positioning information in Shugan and Liji points

(4) Upper and lower acid suppression

3. Chengmen prescription and acupuncture for emotional diseases (applicable to depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, autonomic dysfunction, and treatment of insomnia caused by above-mentioned symptoms)

(1) Acupoints for abdominal special effects and acupoints for Sancai District;

(2) head prescription and Sancaidifangpingcupuncture method;

4. Chengmen prescription and acupuncture for headaches (applicable to treatment of vasospasm headache, neurological headache, cervical origin headache, etc.)

(1) Acupuncture prescriptions that can relieve most headaches;

(2) Two different types of migraine and Sancai acupuncture;

5. Prescriptions and acupunctures for items, shoulders, backs, spine, lumbago (applicable to all types of cervical thoracolumbar muscle and bony diseases)

(1) Prescriptions for acupuncture points, shoulder-arms, and three-pronged jumps to resolve 60% of symptoms

(2) The three-hands of the hand follow the distal acupoint selection technique and exercise acupuncture

(3) Waist prescriptions and Sancai acupuncture around the jaw, ankle and hip

(4) The remote acupoint selection technique for lower back pain and lower back pain

6. The core idea of ​​Cheng’s four-step menstruation method——the procedure prescription and acupuncture method for gynecological diseases (applicable to infertility, uterine fibroids, premature ovarian failure, pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation and other gynecological diseases )

This course is an improved version of Cheng’s acupuncture and moxibustion brand-quality heritage course, the clinical practice of Jiemen's jiexue class. It is in the “differentiation of syndromes, evidence-based legislation, legal prescription, explicit distribution of points, and application of techniques”. Based on the core academic ideas, under the guidance of cryptic laws, combined with the experience of acupuncture and moxibustion and the Sancai acupuncture method, the unique essence courses, from techniques to theory, from acupuncture points to meridians, from acupoints to prescriptions , Explain clinical problems and improve clinical efficacy.

Teaching method: open class face-to-face

Class hours: April 22 to April 23, 2017 9AM to 3PM.

Hours arrangement: A total of two days, 12 hours class class

Location: Baogu Traditional Chinese Medicine 204-5679 Imperial Street, Burnaby BC V5J 1G1, Canada

Contact Registration: Thin Thin, 604-868-3208,, 397823838 (Wechat).

Course fees: 400 Canadian dollars

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